Les conditions générales de vente suivantes sont valides pour les services fournis par l’Entreprise Individuelle – Au Rythme des Vignes – SIREN n° 8435751678


Rates are indicated in net and euros. They include taxes and are subject to change without notice.

Booking conditions

The service is confirmed once the payment of 100% of the amount due has been made, unless expressly agreed by contract.

Conditions d’annulation

For cancellation by the customer of a tour at least 15 days before departure, the full refund is granted. The cancellation must be expressly notified in writing. After this period, no refund can be claimed, except in cases of force majeure, pandemic confinement or traffic restrictions defined by the government. For the three cases mentioned above, the customer will be entitled to a full refund.

If Au Rythme des Vignes makes the decision to cancel a tour (mechanical problems of the vehicles, unexpected health problems of the guide,...), the customer will be entitled to a full refund.

La souscription d’une assurance annulation optionnelle est également possible, soit directement lors de la réservation auprès de l’entreprise Au Rythme des Vignes, soit auprès d’une compagnie d’assurance tierce.

Execution of services

Les circuits sont opérés au moyen d’un minibus haut de gamme climatisé contenant 8 sièges passagers plus le chauffeur.

Le départ de nos circuits est garanti à partir de 6 personnes pour les réservations à la place. Le départ de nos circuits est systématiquement garanti pour les prestation privatisées.

Au Rythme des Vignes reserves the right to modify without notice the program for equivalent services, depending on the availability and cancellations of its own service providers. These changes do not give any right to reimbursement or compensation.

Au Rythme des Vignes reserves the right to cancel a service without notice if the weather conditions present a danger to people or a risk of breakage of the equipment. These cancellations give the right to reimbursement of the service.

Au Rythme des Vignes cannot be held responsible for delays due to traffic, weather, or any other element beyond its control.


Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the quotation and these conditions will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the commercial courts on which Au Rythme des Vignes depends.